The role of State Attorneys General has become more relevant to companies than ever before.  State Attorneys General have the broad authority to launch investigations and actions against businesses, individuals, charities and non-profit entities. This means that potential targets of investigations by State Attorneys General need experienced legal representation, ideally by attorneys who are intimately familiar with the strategic thinking and practices of State Attorneys General. Our experienced Team is led by Dennis C. Vacco, former New York State Attorney General, and Michael G. Rossetti, former Chief Deputy to the Attorney General of New York State.  

We have represented clients who were targets of a single state attorney general investigation, and we are also experienced in managing the intricacies of complex multi-state investigations where several State Attorneys General concentrate their resources on a common target.  This experience is rooted in the involvement of Mr. Vacco and Mr. Rossetti who both played an active and important role negotiating the landmark multistate tobacco settlement. In that multi-state investigation, Mr. Rossetti served as one of the lead government negotiators.  During his tenure as Attorney General of the State of New York, Mr. Vacco led several high-profile investigations, including the multi-state anti-trust case against Microsoft.   
headshot of team member Scott S. Allen, Jr.
Partner | Team Leader - Agriculture
headshot of team member Scott V. Carroll
Partner | Team Leader - Technology and Life Sciences
headshot of team member Hon. Carol E. Heckman (Ret.)
Partner | Team Co-Leader - Indian Law | Team Leader- Alternative Dispute Resolution
headshot of team member Michael G. Rossetti
Partner | Office Leader, Washington, D.C. | Team Co-Leader - Indian Law | Team Co-Leader – Government & Corporate Investigations | Team Co-Leader - Lobbying & Public Policy
headshot of team member Dennis C. Vacco
Partner | Executive Committee | Team Co-Leader - Government & Corporate Investigations
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