Our attorneys have extensive experience representing and advising Tribal and non-Tribal clients seeking to work with Tribes on virtually every major federal environmental law that affects Tribes, trust lands and Tribal economic development projects, including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the National Historic Preservation Act.
Specifically, our practice includes:
- Advising on the environmental aspects of land-into-trust conveyances;
- Leasing of Tribal lands under the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act (HEARTH), including drafting and securing Department of Interior approvals of Tribal HEARTH Act regulations;
- Advising on the development of gaming facilities on Tribal lands;
- Development of energy infrastructure, transportation, flood control, roadways, golf courses, and other economic development projects on Tribal lands;
- Completing federal and Tribal environmental review requirements; and
- Securing necessary federal environmental permits and approvals.
In addition, we have significant experience working with federal agencies, including the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, State Historic Preservation Officers and Tribal Historic Preservation Officers to ensure that projects undertaken on or off Tribal lands protect our clients’ historic and cultural resources to the maximum extent possible under federal and state laws.

Senior Environmental Consultant, Air Permitting and Compliance

Partner | Office Leader, Washington, D.C. | Team Co-Leader - Indian Law | Team Co-Leader – Government & Corporate Investigations | Team Co-Leader - Lobbying & Public Policy