Joseph W. Schafer Quoted in Fox5 New York Article "NYC Landlords Could Face Daily $1K Fines for Housing Illegal Pot Shops"

November 29, 2023 | In The news
Joseph W. Schafer, associate and Cannabis team co-leader quoted in Fox5 New York news article, discussing potential fines for NYC landlords and how to prevent them. 

"The best way to stop illegal weed stores is to open more legal ones."

About Our Cannabis Practice
Dedicated Cannabis Practice Team, Lippes Mathias LLP helps clients conduct their businesses within the confines of the cannabis industry’s emerging legal requirements by offering a broad range of legal services along with the expertise necessary to navigate the cannabis industry’s complex and rapidly evolving regulatory landscape. From corporate structuring to real estate and intellectual property matters, Lippes Mathias LLP has a team of experienced attorneys focusing on all pertinent areas of cannabis law since the inception of legalization

Click here to read the full article.


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