Tax Controversy
Tax Collection Defense & Bankruptcy
Tax Collection Defense & Bankruptcy
The enforcement initiatives of both the IRS and New York State have increased substantially in recent years. Thankfully, the increasingly aggressive enforcement policies have been accompanied by some historically lenient collection alternatives available to taxpayers. The constantly changing financial and political climates in the U.S. lead to frequent changes in governmental laws and policies. It is important to stay current on the most recent powers available to the tax collection enforcement departments within IRS and NYS as they continue to evolve, so we know how to protect our clients while we avail them of the best collection alternatives available based on their circumstances.
Our tax collection defense team at Lippes Mathias LLP operates at the forefront of these changes, ensuring our clients understand and utilize the current options available to them. The IRS and NYS currently have at their disposal an arsenal of methods to aggressively and efficiently collect taxes owed. These methods include the filing of tax liens, levies on wages and/or bank accounts, and even the revocation of an individual’s passport or driver’s license. We protect our clients’ rights, utilizing vehicles like Collection Due Process or Equivalency Hearings to prevent collection enforcement actions and avail our clients of the collection alternative that best fits their specific situation. These collection alternatives include Offers in Compromise, Installment Agreements, Currently Not Collectible Status, bankruptcy, and more.
Let our team guide you through this process, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you avail yourself of the least-invasive, most lucrative collection alternative available.
Team Leader

Partner | Team Leader - Tax Controversy

Director of Federal Tax Controversy & Compliance